Radiation Pattern Reconfigurable Waveguide Slot Array … International Journal of Antennas and Propagation is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles on the design, analysisIn this paper, we proposed a radiation pattern reconfigurable waveguide slot array antenna using liquid crystal (LC). A Novel Frequency Reconfigurable Slot Antenna -… In this paper, a frequency reconfigurable slot antenna is designed between the switchable frequency range i.e. 7.34-7.96GHz at eight different frequency band and capable to operate single frequency at a time. The proposed antenna has a microstrip patch and a slot etched out in a ground... [1711.01448] Analysis of a Waveguide-Fed Metasurface … Abstract: The metasurface concept has emerged as an advantageous reconfigurable antennaThe metasurface antenna consists of an array of metamaterial elements distributed over an electricallyUsing full-wave numerical simulations, we confirm the analysis, modeling waveguides with slots or...
Frequency reconfigurable Fabry Perot cavity antenna … This paper provides a method to make a Fabry Perot cavity antenna frequency reconfigurable by using modulated metasurface. Metasurface is modulated by decreasing the size of consecutive patches in Y-direction. The return loss characteristics and radiation patterns are observed for the fabry... Frequency-Reconfigurable Bow-Tie Antenna for Bluetooth,… Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. Frequency-Reconfigurable Bow-Tie Antenna for Bluetooth, WiMAX, and WLAN Applications.The simple biasing circuit used in this design eliminates the need for extra bias lines, and thus avoids distortion of the radiation patterns.
A frequency reconfigurable dipole antenna based on a silicon radiator is presented. The silicon radiator is activated with the aid of highly dense solid-state plasma by injecting carriers into the ...
Reconfigurable Dipole Antenna - IEEE Xplore - mafiadoc.com
Design of Frequency Reconfigurable Patch Antennas with ...
A frequency reconfigurable dipole antenna based on a silicon radiator is presented. The silicon radiator is activated with the aid of highly dense solid-state plasma by injecting carriers into the ...
US7446712B2 - Composite right/left-handed transmission line… An apparatus based on composite right-handed or left-handed (CRLH) principles to provide a transmission line or antenna structure having a plurality of cells to which one or more feed ports are attached. IET Digital Library:
metasurface antenna can provide the desired Earth coverage by a mechanical azimuth scanning with a simple turn-table mechanism. Also, metasurface antennas have characteristics suitable for ground terminals. Since their light weight and low profile, they are easily pointing antennas with medium-high gain. S.W. Cheung - Editorial Board - Scientific Research Publishing S.W. Cheung serves as the editorial board member in Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation (SCIRP). Wideband compact directive metasurface enabled pair of slot ... A simple novel compact wideband directive metasurface (MS) enabled antenna is proposed. Two same dimensions of edge fed slots are used to excite the MS layer which is made of a periodic arrangement of a rectangular loop-based unit cell.